5 Ways to Ensure Productivity While Working From Home

Okay, if I’m being totally honest I didn’t think that working from home would last as long as it has however, we are literally 2 years in and not much has changed. It seems as if leadership has found more ways to navigate filling the outlook calendar with meetings that could potentially be emails however, this is our new normal. I mean I guess a day filled with meeting isn’t so bad if camera’s aren’t required. Have you ever had a manager that enforced the “camera on,” logic?

When I first began working from home I was sad for a day or two and then it finally clicked, no more sitting in traffic, refueling my car twice a week, spending money on take out or tearing up my closet trying to figure what to wear to work. I’ve found an abundance of peace working from home so much that the idea of returning to the office makes me anxious. At one point I found myself getting to comfortable so much that I started the unthinkable, I know you’re wondering what could that have been. Well, let me go ahead and be transparent I was wearing Express button downs with pajama pants. I’m sure you’re like not the Image Consultant but like I said before I became comfortable.

I’m sure some of you are thinking pj’s and a clean shirt isn’t that bad however, it can impact your energy and how you show up on your job. A couple months ago, I sat and thought about ways that I could be more productive because I began to see a decline in my interest with all things Human Resources. If you’ve found yourself in a space where you’re like hey, as long as I do my job it should matter what I wear during (WFH) I’m here to share some tips on being productive.

1. Wake up with purpose: Every morning after completing my morning routine I make it a point to open my blinds even on the gloomy days. The next order of business is to take a couple deep breaths, spend some time with God and then prepare my “to-do,” list. Aligning a list of “to-do” creates a sense of purpose and the drive to get things done. Regardless of the length of the list I’m reminded to give myself grace throughout the day.

2. Always grab a small breakfast: I’ve found when I take time to enjoy a small breakfast it allows me to get through the first half of the day rather than eating a relatively large breakfast and feeling as if I need a nap by noon. My go-to is normally a fruit smoothie compliments of my new Ninja from Amazon rather than taking a quick trip to Tropical Smoothie.

3. Make it a point to get dressed: Now getting dressed looks totally different to everyone so I’m not saying put on a full 3 piece suit as if you’re going into the office however, change out of your favorite pjs. My look of the day normally depends on planned meetings within my Outlook calendar and Style Consultation calls. Its difficult to convince someone you’re an International Image Consultant when you’re looking like you just threw your look together.

4. Take breaks as needed: Don’t get in the habit of delaying taking a break because you’re telling yourself if you just sit there for a couple more minutes you’ll be able to finish the project. Guess what the project will still get completed if you take a break. I had to start setting alarms throughout the day because I would literally sit down in the morning and not move unless I needed to use the restroom.

Now, #5 may create some discomfort but we are all friends here so I want to be very clear.

5. Minimize your time on social media: Treat your (WFH) position just as you would if you were in the office. You wouldn’t sit at your desk all day strolling social media. I mean that’s totally different if that’s your career profession. Plan when you will browse social media because you can easily get distracted especially once you go down the reel “rabbit hole.” Be very intentional about completing your day to day responsibilities because once you get behind it’s challenging to catch up.

I hope these tips will help you regain focus while working from home because lets face it unless you’ve secretly hit to lotto and moved to an undisclosed location everyone needs to stay gainfully employed. I’m sure there are some more helpful tips for navigation (WFH) so feel free to drop one in the comments.

The only goal that is unachievable is the goal you put zero effort towards achieving
— Paulette A. Edwards

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